The fear of induction of labour.

Induction of labour-- a process of artificially stimulating the uterus to start labour. WHO 2018.

Misconceptions  on induction  of labour has increasingly  led to complications  that has caused  increase in maternal and infant  mortality  rate.
As a midwife i've answered  unimaginable  question's 
Concerning  induction  of labour
I have also witnessed  pregnant  mothers going to wrong places for delivery  simply  for fear of induction  of labour.  

"Must I be induced before  I deliver my baby, I heard it's  very painful  and ends with ceaseran section,  am so afraid "

So  Mrs  A  registered  for  ANC, did all routine  ANC test, attended  ANC meetings  and was taking her ANC drugs.
But at 35 weeks  she didn't  attend ANC till at 41 weeks and our conversations went forth.

Mother---Good day Midwife,  am having  pains under my belly, it's  very  painful and goes round my waist. It's been   
happening  for more than  5 days   and she goes on.....

Midwife---when is your expected  date  of delivery?
Mother---mmh!! my doctor  said from my Last menstrual  period  my date is 2/8/2022.
First  scan gave    16/7/2022
Second  scan gave 20/8/2022
Am confused. 

Midwife---ok!  Obviously  you're  due  for delivery , today is 27/8/2022.
Mother-- (Affirmative) all the date's  has passed  but am not having  any sign of labour.

Midwife---(smiling) you're  already  having  some  but it's  not adequate  to establish  labour 

Mother--- (Holding  her  belly) but I have not seen show.
Midwife--not everyone  see  show  and  it's not a major sign of labour,  so I advice you discuss  with your doctor   for a possible  induction.

Mother---Induc.....what, mma mba  nu, never!! It's not my portion,  must I be induced to deliver my baby, I heard it's  very  painful,  has so many risk and most time end with a C/S.

MIdwife---explaining  so hard for mother  to understand  and see the positivity  of induction 

Mother---mmh is their nothing I to help .

Midwife--sure ! excersice  can  help but at this point  you're post date and  expecting a spontaneous  vagina  delivery  might  delay delivery  of the baby , putting  you and your baby at greater  risk. 

Mother--i have to discuss  with my husband and others, I will come back.

Midwife--it's your decision, your pregnancy  is already  prolonged, baby is at risk . Please take an informed  decision..

....And she left , till today  am still expecting her .